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Bellomo Palace and the Regional Gallery of Syracuse: a journey through art and history

Located on the enchanting island of Ortigia, in Syracuse, Bellomo Palace is an architectural jewel that encompasses centuries of history and art. Today it houses the Regional Gallery of Bellomo Palace, an extraordinary collection of works of art ranging from the Byzantine era to the 18th century. Let's discover the history of the palace and the artistic wonders housed inside.

Visita Palazzo Bellomo a Siracusa
Visit Bellomo Palace in Siracusa

History of Bellomo Palace

The origin of Bellomo Palace dates back to the 13th century, when it was built in the Swabian style. This palace has witnessed the succession of different eras and influences, thus becoming a silent witness to the history of Syracuse.

The original appearance of the palace was reminiscent of medieval tower-houses, with narrow splayed embrasures in the masonry and a Gothic portal with a cordoned ogival arch. In the 14th century, elevation work began, and the palace underwent major alterations during the Aragonese period, when it was acquired by the Bellomo family.

A fascinating detail linking the palace to its Swabian past is the Swabian eagle carved into the keystone of the vestibule vault, which would seem to suggest the palace's importance in the eyes of its patrons.


The architecture of Bellomo Palace is a fascinating mix of styles reflecting the different eras of its history. In the 15th century, Catalan influence led to the insertion of the Gothic portal and the opening of single-lancet windows in the first order of the elevation. On the upper floor, mullioned and three-light windows were added, while a porticoed courtyard with an open staircase decorated with openwork slabs enriched the interior of the palace.

One of the most striking features is the Cortile delle Palme, a courtyard built in the 18th century, when Bellomo Palace was joined to the nearby Parisio Palace. This courtyard opens with mullioned and three-light windows and, with its east-west layout, is wonderfully illuminated by sunlight every day.

Visita la Galleria Regionale di Palazzo Bellomo
Visit the Regional Gallery of Bellomo Palace

The Regional Gallery of Palazzo Bellomo

Today, Palazzo Bellomo is home to the Regional Gallery of Syracuse, a true artistic treasure that spans medieval and modern art. The collection is displayed following a chronological criterion, allowing visitors to take a journey through time and explore the evolution of Sicilian art.

One of the most famous pieces in the gallery is Antonello da Messina's "The Annunciation", painted in 1474. This work represents a mature balance between the analytical approach of Flemish painting and the geometric-luminous perspective of the Italian school. The story of the Annunciation is equally fascinating, with its disappearance and subsequent attribution to Antonello da Messina.

In addition to this celebrated work, Bellomo Gallery holds other artistic gems, including sculptures attributed to Domenico Gagini and the canvas "The Martyrdom of Saint Lucy" by Syracuse painter Mario Minniti, a contemporary and friend of Caravaggio.

La Galleria Regionale di Palazzo Bellomo
The Regional Gallery of Palazzo Bellomo

Opening hours, tickets and visiting information

Opening hours:

  • Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm (last admission at 6:30 pm).

  • Sundays and holidays, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (last admission at 12:30 p.m.).

The cost of the ticket is €8.00 for full ticket and €4.00 for reduced ticket (applicable to EU citizens under 25 and FAI members). In addition, admission is free on the first Sunday of the month, April 25, June 2, and November 4. You can purchase tickets online or directly on site.

Address and how to get there

To reach the Regional Gallery of Syracuse, located at Via Giuseppe Maria Capodieci, 16, from the Algilà Ortigia Charme Hotel you can take advantage of several transportation options. Given the small size of the island, it is possible to move on foot, crossing the city center, including a stop in Piazza Duomo to admire its striking monuments.

Alternatively, a convenient option is bus number 20, which circulates around the island of Ortigia every 30 minutes and operates from early morning until late at night. Or you can opt for the taxi service to conveniently reach the Regional Gallery.

The Algilà Hotel also offers free bicycles for its guests, an environmentally friendly and fun option for getting around, enjoying the freedom to explore the island at your own pace.

For more information on available transportation or to book a cab, the hotel's front desk staff will be happy to assist you and provide all the information you need to make your trip to Ortigia even more enjoyable.


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